He paints the picture

Aaron courageously shares his story of trauma and grief to educate others and bring hope to other survivors. He tells his story in a way that the audience can understand and relate to him. Aaron’s story makes you realize that you never truly know what someone else is going through or has gone through, because there are not always signs and not everyone feels comfortable sharing.

When he paints the picture in your mind of the year, and what life was like then, I realized how easy I could have been a victim of assault… it got me thinking that maybe there are many more victims out there that never came forward.

His presentation is very moving and eye opening.

-Abby Elsey

accessible and relatable

What truly set Aaron apart… was his ability to connect with our diverse audience. He tailored his message to resonate with participants of varying backgrounds… making the content accessible and relatable to all.

-Elizabeth Rogers, Queens University

had a huge impact

As a survivor of sexual assault, it validated that healing is not linear but a journey. Additionally, the speech really hit home the power of moral courage. It might be hard to do at times but it had a huge impact.


A uniquely impactful message

This presentation was amazing. The personal experiences shared were tough to hear, however it took a lot of courage to be able to tell your story. Thank you for all you do!


Exactly what it takes to inspire change

We were so excited to invite Aaron to speak at our conference, and he exceeded expectations. He had attendees gripped from the start and all the way through. It was amazing to see how quickly Aaron made the audience feel connected and at ease with him before he dove into such a heavy topic. His unique experience and voice has the power to speak to a wide range of people and draw in folks that may not typically give an ear to anti-violence work. He has a gift of hitting the balance between story and statistics, which in my opinion, is exactly what it takes to inspire change. Thoroughly prepared, great to work with, and highly engaging. We would definitely invite Aaron back.

Megan Batista, TN Coalition to End Domestic Violence

it all clicked

I was molested by a cousin when I was 13. I am 30 now and never knew why I didn’t tell my mom. When you mentioned the word shame it all clicked…it’s like I was liberated at the moment because I could actually pin point why I didn’t ever open up until now.


one of the most powerful survivor’s stories that I have heard

I have had the opportunity to see you share your story multiple times and it still brings an emotion as one of the most powerful survivor’s stories that I have heard in my 18 plus years as an advocate. We know that no one person’s story is alike and no one survivor’s experience is the same and hearing RAPE victims share their stories can help others to realize they are not alone. I thank you for continuing to share your story to remind survivors of sexual assault, especially military men, and young boys, that it’s OK to ask for help.

-Senior Command SHARP Program Manager

i wish everyone could hear you speak

I just wanted to reach out to you and thank you for speaking on your experience. I can’t imagine how hard it must be in your position. I’ve been doing SHARP for over 5 years and I still take any opportunity to hear a male survivor story… they don’t happen often enough, and the trauma is very different between males and females. I wish everyone could hear you speak. Even your speech on moral courage was stronger than most leaders I’ve heard/experienced in my career.


he is doing his best to change the culture

His story was very moving and showed me that even someone in a senior position can be holding life altering trauma and that he is doing his best to change the culture.


A uniquely impactful message

An impassioned former soldier who can speak from experience and ripped the pseudo cover off that leaders often hide behind. Hard truths that needed to be heard.


I have so much respect and more understanding of the lifelong effects of sexual assault

Fantastic, almost cried a couple if times but I thought it was very brave and I have so much respect and more understanding of the lifelong effects of sexual assault.


a story that needs to be shared far and wide

I highly recommend Aaron Stone for any of your speaking forums related to sexual violence, trauma, victimization, leadership, and all related topics. I have witnessed the transformation and enlightenment audience members experience while listening to Aaron speak. The open rawness and honesty in which he shares his story leaves such an impact on all who listens. I have listened to Aaron share his testimony on a number of occasions however, just recently I requested him to speak during a 2-day Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention (SHARP) Professional Education Summit that I hosted, and surveys as well as my observations, conclude that he is an amazing speaker with a story that needs to be shared far and wide.

-N. Riley, Event Organizer

grateful for your strength and sharing your story

My feedback, we could not have asked for more, we are so grateful for your strength and sharing your story!


The ripple effect

I was on the SHARP training yesterday where you spoke, sharing your story. First, I’m so sorry that ever happened to you. Second, you are incredibly strong and brave coming forward to report it. Third, I appreciate so much that you are still willing to continue sharing your story. As you said, there aren’t many males who report, let alone tell their story. I’m sure you may never realize the ripple effect you have speaking out, especially as a senior enlisted male, but a bagillion thank you’s from across the ocean! (I’m located over in Sigonella, Italy on a Navy installation, however, we also have Army, Air Force, and Marines).

-A. Jenkins

you weren’t afraid to use the words that people avoid

I really enjoyed listening to your story. I appreciated that you weren’t afraid to use the words that people avoid when talking about sexual assault. I also appreciated you having the picture of the Soldier you talked about at the end.

-J. Riley

Very powerful

I have seen you present on a live video platform and then recently in person at the RHC-S Summit. It happens more than people realize and so many problems later in life can be alluded to this kind of trauma (every type of disease and illness from migraines to cancer) depression/anxiety, PTSD, substance abuse, cyclical/generational violence, and the list goes on. Thank you for your presentation. Very powerful!!

-C. Mendez

impactful and valuable

The message and story was impactful and valuable! Everyone should have a chance to experience. The strength, struggle of your existence!


Change the way we view abuse

I listened to Aaron today and while the topic is hard to hear, it is extremely necessary. As a parent of both boys and girls, it helped me understand what an impact my reactions to certain topics are. Thank you for sharing your story and helping us change the way we view abuse.


Knowledgable and Extremely engaged

I enjoyed listening to this presentation and would highly recommend Aaron to anyone working with victims of assault or anyone wanting to learn more about male sexual assault and having the courage to speak up on behalf of yourself or someone else. He is knowledgeable and extremely engaged with his audience about a difficult to talk about topic.


A uniquely impactful message

Aaron shared an incredibly passionate testimony that touched the hearts of those present,
motivating everyone to keep pushing forward and stand up for children and youth in our community.
During every aspect of our conference, from planning to execution, Aaron showed excellent
professionalism and was always pleasant to work with. I would recommend Aaron to anyone looking for a
genuine, relatable, and effective speaker to deliver a uniquely impactful message on resilience and
addressing sexual violence against men of all ages.

-Timothy Machado

NIU Northern Illinois University
1st medical brigade
13th armored corps sustainment command
National Geospatial Intelligence Agency
1st Infantry Division
merchant marine academy
181st Intelligence Wing
122nd Fighter Wing
Albion College
38th Infantry Division
Maine Maritime Academy
XVIII Airborne Corps
Chattanooga Hamilton County Family Justice Center
Queens University of Charlotte
Tennessee Coalition to End Domestic Violence
U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command
Fort Belvoir Logo
UTEP - University of Texas El Paso Logo
Joint Base Elmendorf–Richardson
University of Alaska-Fairbanks
Medical Readiness Command - West Logo
U.S. Air Force
Michigan State University
Eastern Oregon University
Cleveland Rape Crisis Center Logo
U.S. Navy
1 in 6

The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement.

About Aaron Stone

18 Winters – Shattering the silence

I am a retired Combat Medic in the United States Army and I have completed multiple tours in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Bosnia; none of those experiences affected me as much as the trauma I suffered at age 15 at the hands of a male teacher who methodically groomed and raped me. I choose the word “rape” deliberately, because it conveys the reality of that man’s actions so many years ago.

For over 17 years, 18 winters, I became a silent sufferer of depression and PTSD. The cost of keeping that shameful secret caught up with me in 2010 through a nervous breakdown. Thankfully, I finally realized I needed help and, for the first time in my life, I told my story.

it was an act of liberation.

Over the last eight years I have spoken over 100 times to numerous military organizations across the U.S., Germany, and South Korea spreading my message of pain, redemption, and hope. My goal is to be an inspiration for those who may be suffering through the same mental anguish as I once did. I reassure survivors that sexual assault is never their fault, they are never alone, and help is here.

With social stigmas and victim blaming, most male victims who never report a sexual assault. Public awareness and education of male-on-male sexual violence and the horrifying impact it can have on one’s life must increase.

I continue to share my story both as an advocate, and as an inspirational speaker, to encourage survivors to speak up, seek help, and take that first step towards peace and healing.


when i am speaking…

I help rape survivors overcome their hidden shame and organizations develop a culture of moral courage, so victims can rise above society’s toxic biases and mental models.

Aaron Stone speaking about his rape
merchant marine academy aaron stone on stage
Aaron Stone speaks at Eastern Oregon University
Aaron Stone speaks at the 103rd Airlift Wing Bradley Air National Guard Base in Connecticut
Service members listen as Aaron Stone speaks at the 103rd Airlift Wing Bradley Air National Guard Base in Connecticut
Indiana National Guard SAAPM
Chattanooga Hamilton County Family Justice Center 7th Annual Domestic Violence Conference
Queens University of Charlotte - Diversity, Inclusion and Community Engagement Sign
Aaron Stone at the 103rd Airlift Wing Bradley Air National Guard Base in Connecticut
Indiana National Guard SAAPM


Duty-Bound is a podcast produced by Glass Soldier. Hosted by Diandra Poe, Duty-Bound taps into the issues and topics that matter to service members around the world and provides a unique perspective on how we can prevent and eliminate sexual assault among our ranks.

Dear Katie is the podcast of Katie Koestner, who appeared on the cover of TIME Magazine as a victim of date rape. Along with co-host Claire Kaplan, Ph.D., she speaks with survivors of sexual assault, rape, and abuse about what they went through and how it impacted their lives.

Sexual Assault Survivor StoriesSASS – is a weekly podcast hosted by Dave Markel designed for the purpose of providing victims and survivors of sexual assault and rape information and a forum to better understand the complexities, adversities, victories, and all the dynamics of surviving and healing.

In the Media

Camp Huachuca Herald Review Article

“If this sergeant major can get up there and speak to people about this, then maybe that young private that was sitting in the front row can say, ‘You know what? If he can do it, so can I.’ 

If I can help just that one person, I’m happy,” Stone said. 

Herald/Review, Article

Take Back the Night CSM comes to terms ith being raped as a teen

From the Fort Carson Mountaineer:
The Fort Carson community gathered April 26, 2017, to culminate Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month with a “Take Back the Night” event at the William “Bill” Reed Special Events Center.

“I noticed that there were usually only females talking about their experiences, but no males,” Stone said. “In reality, while females report more, more men are sexually assaulted — in society it is one in six men, and in the military it is one in five men.

Aaron Stone online SHARP Academy Presentation

The Army SHARP Academy (ASA) trains and educates the Sexual Assault Response Coordinators (SARCs), Victim Advocates (VAs), SHARP Trainers, and Program Managers; and as the Army SHARP Training Proponent is responsible for Army wide SHARP leader development, education and training.

In this video, SGM Stone speaks to continue to spread his personal experience in order to continue his service to the Army and fellow survivors.

SHARP Academy Professional Forum, SGM Aaron Stone – Shattering the Silence

Aaron Stone TEDx Talk San Antonio Texas Shattering the Silence

In the fall of 2017 Aaron gave a TEDx Talk in San Antonio, Texas: 

Male-on-male sexual assaults are more prominent than we would like to admit, yet it remains taboo within our society. Americans expect their men to be the aggressors or initiators in a sexual relationship, which is why they are afraid to admit to others they have been sexually assaulted. Male rape survivors should be able to express their true emotions and seek the help they desperately need, physically and mentally, without feeling shame or branded as weak.

TEDxSanAntonio, YouTube

Aaron Stone RDECOM keynote Victim to Survivor

One in six males have been sexually assaulted before the age 18; one in four females are sexually assaulted before age 18.

Command Sgt. Maj. Aaron Stone addressed these statistics in his keynote address during the annual U.S. Army Sexual Harassment/ Assault Response & Prevention, or SHARP, Expo…

SHARP Expo, Article

Aaron Stone included in article about Army SHARP program 2021

…Stone stresses that it’s not a sign of weakness to seek help and that a victim is not to blame for what happened. “This is about changing the culture, starting a new paradigm, where Soldiers who have been victimized can get the help they need,” he said. “I talk about what happened to me because I want to get it out from the shadows and to give victims the courage to seek help.”

US Army, Article

Contact Aaron